(A Random Post)
Don’t get your hopes up. Just a quick link: This is horrible. … and by horrible, I of course mean awesome.
Don’t get your hopes up. Just a quick link: This is horrible. … and by horrible, I of course mean awesome.
Hypothetical question. If your friends can’t play Left 4 Dead with you (because they “have work to do” or “have the flu” or “don’t have the game”) then what use do they have as human beings? FUCK! Now here is the last scene of The Shawshank Redemption if it was filmed a decade ago. Once […]
Some random links that have been successful in distracting me from my impending exams. – The US has a black president, and now this is happening. That’s some serious Deep Impact shit. – Speaking of natural disasters, they’re planning to make a live action Cowboy Bebop film, starring Keanu Reeves. It’s like Hollywood thought “Hey […]
Great Expectations Park Song – The Dodos I always tell people that I don’t care if they forget my birthday, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not affected when someone unexpectedly remembers it. I received an e-mail from Adriana (my old Food Basics partner in crime) wishing me a belated b-day on the 5th. Now, […]
I just bought the complete series of Men Behaving Badly (The not-so-critically-acclaimed, Rob Schneider starring American version – two entire seasons!) for $10 at a used DVD store. Three things immediately jumped to mind when I found it. 1) Why would anyone sell this to a used DVD store?2) This came out on DVD?3) AWESOME. […]
Of Lucky Condoms The Pilgriming Vine – Basia Bulat It appears that I’ve lost my lucky condom. My theory is that it fell out of my pocket while I was reaching in to grab something else and really, it’s surprising that this didn’t happen before. I’ve had this condom for about three or four years […]
Just figured out my Christmas stocking stuffer… Welcome to the World of Tomorrow! Haven’t gone through the comments or reviews or anything like that yet for extra goodies, but I don’t think I can handle it right now. Just the cover alone is absolutely murdering me. If this was in stock for Indigo, I’d have […]
I meant to get this installment of Choking Yak’s Provoking Facts up yesterday afternoon…but I just realized that I never actually clicked on the Publish button. I’ve edited the timestamp on this post to more accurately reflect the initial intended publishing time, but for the record, actual time of publishing will be 9:06 AM on […]
oh no pigeons There’s something filthy about reading an entire webcomic archive in one sitting. Pictures for Sad Children is kind of arbitrary, just like every other webcomic we’ve ever promoted here. Actually, that Hectorplasm example is sort of unrepresentative. Try these. There is some pseudo-continuity going on, which does somehow makes the whole thing […]