Posted on September 30, 2015, 5:43 PM, by Choking Yak.
One. One is the magic number now. My early life as a Blue Jays fan is a little hazy, and I can’t exactly nail down exactly when I really got into it. I do remember very clearly that my dad used to watch a lot of Blue Jays games back in the early 90’s when […]
Posted on September 4, 2015, 2:24 PM, by Choking Yak.
In the least surprising secret character reveal since Sam Wilson as the next Captain America or Jane Foster as the next Thor…the next Hulk will be Amadeus Cho, that smart Asian kid that’s been hanging around Hulk books for the last decade. Which is kind of neat, and – with apologies to Sunfire, Armor, Jubilee, […]