(A Random Post)
Want to have an acid trip, but you’re too cheap to buy acid, or even drugs? Get one of these instead! It’s so real.
Want to have an acid trip, but you’re too cheap to buy acid, or even drugs? Get one of these instead! It’s so real.
Although I agree that 3-D fighting games are the spawn of satan himself, you can’t deny that they look pretty. And if the game will be played in two dimensions, but look three-dee, I wouldn’t complain. Imagine a carbon copy of any capcom game, but with 3-D characters. That might be cool. Since we’re on […]
Now that I’ve relatively unbusied my self, I’m been able to check up on my usual sites. Here’s some interesting day-old nerd-related news. The wonderful wealth of street fighting goodness know as The Madman’s Cafe has sniffed up a new Capcom fighting game with characters including Ryu, Chun-Li, and Strider Hiryu. Cool. Too bad it’s […]
I’ve been crazy busy these two days, so I didn’t really get a chance to log on the ‘bag. So I’m posting for the 26th, since I didn’t really do anything interesting afterwards. Now pretend it’s actually the 26th… Woke up at 5:30 AM “today” for the Student Web Service for UoT. It’s the second […]
Random Thoughts: So I was hulahooping the other day, got more exercise then than I’ve all summer — bending over every 3 seconds to pick it up was quite the workout. Girls: its a compliment when a guy at the Key Club car wash who was holding up signs waving bloofs in hands you the […]
Yak’s Funtime Through The Maritime. Higher resolution pictures available on request. Ugh…tired. Don’t be surprised if I don’t post again before I leave Friday afternoon. And from what I hear, all three of us (me, Jill, and Assface) are going to be gone for the weekend. So have fun you two.
Yes, more posters would spice up the flavour of the site. Right now it’s all steak and no sizzle, so to speak. Can’t wait to see all those zany adventures you must have gone on in the cold, desolate barren wasteland they call “the maritimes”. Oh, and you’ve got it all wrong. Assface is on […]
Hey chaps, good to be home again. Lovely trip, I have some wacky things to talk about. Not right now though, I need some time to do a proper write-up and format pics and whatnot. I’m guessing it’s going to be a bit long, so I won’t include it as a blog, but probably as […]
I hate you blizzard. As soon as combat starts, War3 goes to 2 FPS. In other words, it takes 10 frames for my forces to be decimated ten times, then another 10 frames for my base to explode, and I don’t even get to see the attack animations. Life’s not fair.
Kinda long post here, so bear with. I got a swell set of funs to end the summer off with. First my family’s hooking up with one of those crazy chinese bus tours. Not sure where we’re going specifically, but I’m pretty sure it’s like the east coast of Canada…maritimes and all that. My cousins […]