Posted on June 28, 2003, 3:31 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Sleep cycles…all screwed up. I’ve become Batman. But instead of fighting crime, I updated the Bag page. Which in my opinion…is pretty much the opposite of fighting crime. After watching this, I just feel bad. All those hours of doodling in class…I didn’t know what I was really doing.
Posted on June 27, 2003, 12:16 AM, by The WAMBAG.
The Bag: Classics Bag Talk about belated but… here it is, if you haven’t already seen it in the widely popular Classics Club newsletter. Also, I made this a while back, saving it for some special occasion (read: an occasion when people would actually get it) but I doubt we’ll be seeing much action from […]
Posted on June 23, 2003, 11:01 PM, by The WAMBAG.
“Let’s go streaking!!!!” To kick of the summer slacking, Sheep and I are going to slay Baal without wearing anything. In D2, sicko. Keep your pants on. Tentative rules: no equipping any items, no mercs, yes charms, must start maxing a useful skill by level 18. It’s going to be softcore, but I think we’ll […]
Posted on June 23, 2003, 7:26 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Jazz first, now it’s Super Mario with the electric guitar! Wishing I hadn’t posted that nano guitar earlier. Then I could do some witty related linkage thing here.
Posted on June 22, 2003, 10:08 PM, by The WAMBAG.
After some unsuccessful attempts at a new car CD, I think I’m going to ditch the idea of conventional, modern songs I currently like. I think I’ll go psuedo-retro instead, and loot the 70’s and the 80’s for some quality riding music. Maybe some Neil Diamond, BJ Thomas, Tennessee Ernie Ford, James Brown, or if […]
Posted on June 22, 2003, 1:35 AM, by The WAMBAG.
The Hulk. Uh…I’m not sure. I think I might think about it for a day or two, and possibly watch it again, before I pass judgement. But I have thought over my ranking again, and I think my official stance on (non-Hulk) Marvel movies is this… X2 > Spider-Man > X-Men > Blade > Blade […]
Posted on June 21, 2003, 12:25 PM, by The WAMBAG.
I’m in a NES nostalgia phase or something. Super Mario Brothers 2 Theme… jazz style.
Posted on June 20, 2003, 10:30 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Why? Why, why, why!?! Ulp, time to open up Word.
Posted on June 19, 2003, 11:59 PM, by The WAMBAG.
I don’t really know what Hulk Day is so I can’t tell you what Hulk Day minus it is. I don’t even know what today is. Regardless, here’s an article that asks that one Hulk question that’s in all our minds – if Bruce Banner’s shirt rips up when he grows to the Hulk…then why […]
Posted on June 18, 2003, 7:55 PM, by The WAMBAG.
To celebrate the fact that today is Hulk Day minus 3, here’s a little treat for ya. HULK SMASH!