(A Random Post)
Okay, everything’s fixed. The URL is and will remain http://members.rogers.com/wambag/blog.html Now here’s a funny video. “Ah, I said stop many times!”
Okay, everything’s fixed. The URL is and will remain http://members.rogers.com/wambag/blog.html Now here’s a funny video. “Ah, I said stop many times!”
If you’re reading this, then it means you’re at the right page. Blogger won’t update or create the page on the FTP account – I don’t know if it’s a problem with Blogger or Rogers, but it’s not working. So right now I’m publishing to a different FTP account. It’s awfully presumptuous of me to […]
From The B.M.O.D. Entry #10931 (soundtrack) Got Some Teeth – Obie Trice I was watching Entertainment Tonight and they were talking about this new book by some guy that helps teenagers lose weight. Then they showed clips of Dr. Phil (hate that guy), who is having a whole week of his show dedicated to helping […]
You may have seen beat boxing before…but have you ever seen beat boxing…with a harmonica? And on an unrelated note…if the opportunity ever presented itself, I would like to hire a fat black guy that would follow me around and dance, clap, wave his hands in the air, and shout out “Woah!” or “Wha!?!” at […]
Light Jab! Y’all see Chappelle’s Show? That show is the GREATEST! Dave: “BITCH! Wac Arnolds is givin me the opportunity to serve my community and feel responsible for the welfare of my own environment!” Wife: random black female angry jive Dave: …interrupts “”I’M UNDER A LOT OF PRESSURE! AEY! aey who’s gloves are these? huh? […]
The Big Hit #? I dunno I’ve lost count. This shouldn’t really count as a big hit because in reality, it isn’t very big. I’m making a hat right now for school. That’s right, a frickin’ hat. I’ve designed a basketball themed hat. The ball will go over my head and then I’ve got a […]
Check it – 2-hit combo! Throwbacks to TWO previous posts. Let’s begin – in the ongoing hatefest that is my life, the new weekly recipient of my hate is McDonald’s. Though to be honest – even though I’m not a very honest person – I’ve hated McDonald’s for months now. Not because of their fine […]
I’m Out Of Shawshank! – OR – Walking In A @#%*ing Winter Wonderland (soundtrack) Numb – U2 First things first, Oscar nominations were released today and Lost In Translation has been nominated for Best Director, Writing, Picture (!) and of course, BEST ACTOR BILL MURRAY!!! I doubt that he’ll win, but I think it’s great […]
Cold And Sleepy (soundtrack) I’m Only Sleeping – The Vines I HATE WINTER!!! Why am I not allowed to just hibernate for the next couple of months? Seriously, I’m not going to be doing anything productive anyway. Bears have got it so good. So good. I literally slept all day today. Woke up, brushed, ate, […]
stupid ebay link 1 stupid ebay link 2 stupid ebay link 3 stupid ebay link 4 stupid news article I’m so lazy, I’m not even going to describe the links I just posted. Bye now.