(A Random Post)
Bless the internet for making celebrities out of awkward Asian guys. Although I love all the CG animation ones, I’m quite taken by the arabian dude.
Bless the internet for making celebrities out of awkward Asian guys. Although I love all the CG animation ones, I’m quite taken by the arabian dude.
Required reading for this post: You’re The Man Now Dog.com and I’m Rick James Bitch.com Well, I found another one. Needs Moar Cowbell.com. God…that skit was so brilliant. And check this out – you can make your own! But you gotta jump on it fast, because I think the site’s having bandwidth problems, and with […]
Finished my exam for Quantum Mechanics this morning. And I didn’t think it was possible, but I bombed it worse than I had bombed my Organic Chemistry exam – not but 24 hours ago. Gotta admit…my self esteem – which normally is pretty hard to change for the better or worse – took quite a […]
No Seriously, I’m Studying (soundtrack) Bombs Over Baghdad – Outkast I try to avoid posting two in a row, but seeing as how Will is probably dead after his Chem exam I just wanted to put up a couple of links regarding an intriguing rumour involving Carmelo Anthony and… Christina… (check the top right article) […]
Fuck Eli Manning (soundtrack) My Sacrifice – Creed WARNING: Sports oriented post…Sports oriented post…Sports oriented post… With that out of the way: The other day it was reported that former Arizona Cardinals player, Pat Tillman was killed in an ambush while serving in Afghanistan. He was 27 years old. Now I’m not going to front […]
Cocaine is a powerful drug. Okay, it’s not Rick James, but it’s close enough.
I’m loving this flash movie. Just absolutely delightful stuff. And that song – that song is incredible! Without a doubt, THE best Korean ska song I have ever heard. Check this out right now! RIGHT NOW. And when you’re done, laugh along with me at this hilarious eBay auction.
I just wanted to share this little mind-boggler. If you haven’t seen the original works, notice that the stairs ascend forever… weird.
If you’re mom ever tells you that your room is messy, pull out these guns and thank me later.
I bring you news! And the theme of the day…is explosions. Like spontaneously combusting pet food. That explodes. Sadly, so do robots. Please join me for a moment of silence…as we mourn the loss of the first robot in the line of duty. Saaa-LUTE!!! Now this one‘s just bizarre. A South Flordia bomb squad found […]