Archive for June 2004

(A Random Post)

Just wanted to quickly post this funny. Not the best I’ve seen, but the particular payoff for this one is just too good. And this – where’s Halladay? Sure, he’s not having THAT great of a season so far, but he’s won 40+ games over the last two seasons! I mean…Ben Sheets? Nah, fate of […]

(A Random Post)

I think it’s time to weigh in on this whole confessions and group hugs and other warm fuzzy crap. My sister got the first season of Gilmore Girls on DVD, and I finished the first season with her in two marathon sessions. Because… I like it. I know, it’s sick. If there was any doubt […]

(A Random Post)

I have found ultimate hilarity. And expectably so – I have found it in the forums. I’m talking about the Shaq Fu forums over at Just imagine a Van Helsing forum full of people like me, and you pretty much have it. It’s brilliance. They’ve created some sort of religious cult to pay respect […]

(A Random Post)

Walking (So Much Walking) In A Summer Wonderland OR Goodbye And Thanks I Smell Like Fish (soundtrack) Charmless Man – Blur I ain’t got too much to say about my trip to Wonderland. It was a’ight. I just wish my university friends weren’t such an indecisive group of hob knobbers. Of our first 5 hours […]

(A Random Post)

Jess has been kicking my ass lately at both the quality and quantity of her links. So I figured…why not just steal one of her links to keep this site alive until I can scrap together a real post? Besides, I would have linked it myself if she hadn’t first (I swear!). Anyway…good stuff – […]

(A Random Post)

Nothing much – just an obligatory post to keep this site alive. A damn fine link though. “No one steals from God.” …bitch. A Steven Seagal movie by next summer – BOOK IT. Oh, and…Rafael Araujo. Damn. Just…damn it. Ah well – least I still got the Jays! …wait, what? Ah, fiddlesticks.

(A Random Post)

Gettin’ Reprieve From The Heat In The Frozen Food Section (soundtrack) The Weight – The Band Regarding this week’s soundtrack, I thought for years that the main line in the chorus was this: Take a load off Manny, take a load for free But it’s actually: Take a load off Annie, take a load for […]

(A Random Post)

Some bits of news, listed in order of WTF!?!-magnitude. C-3PO and others inducted into the Robot Hall of Fame. WTF!?!-magnitude: 0.5/5 Scientists determine that ducks have accents. “Hmm…should this grant money go towards curing cancer…or…studying duck linguistics?” WTF!?!-magnitude: 2/5 Inmates reach 5-5 tie with team of soccer playing elephants. WTF!?!-magnitude: 2.5/5 Japanese student forced to […]

(A Random Post)

I would like to take this time to apologize for my actions of late. Lee – I’m sorry for sneaking off and leaving you in the company of those two dirty chinks. And effectively forcing you to drive them home. I don’t even think you noticed me leaving. Jess – I’m sorry for sneaking off […]

(A Random Post)

Second post in one day? IS THERE NO JUSTICE?! Well, it’s Star Wars related, so I guess it doesn’t count as a real WAMBAG post to anyone but the most hardcore and blind fanboys (prequels? What prequels?). I present to you the Star Wars Episode III trailer… in LEGO form. Hey, LEGO seems to be […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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