Posted on November 30, 2004, 11:59 PM, by The WAMBAG.
(I’ve been trying to post this blog for two days…oh God please give me my internet back…) More links! Hopefully less spelling mess-ups this time around. But probably not. First off, let’s see what our old friend Archie’s up to. Hatin’ the blacks? Damn. He’d do Hitler proud. Proud enough to…get down? Then again, I’m […]
Posted on November 30, 2004, 2:12 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Do Geese See God? If any of you feel like slacking off and realizing that life is pointless and not worth living in one fell swoop, then watch this short. Sucked the will to live right out of me, and I feel great. P.S. After watching it once, click the flower girl, then click […]
Posted on November 27, 2004, 2:31 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Some links. Not that great, but I’ve always believed in quantity over quality. – The Secret Life of a Squirrel. Has a Tucker Max vibe to it…’cept it’s a squirrel. I just like the end bits. Short read, and this could very well be like five years old – I have no idea. – Moding […]
Posted on November 27, 2004, 1:05 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Cavities All Apologies – Nirvana * I had to go to the dentist today to have some cavities filled. Three, to be exact. I was disappointed when I found out, because I thought I was doing a pretty good job with my teeth. I don’t mind having to endure a procedure like this though, because […]
Posted on November 25, 2004, 12:14 PM, by The WAMBAG.
It’s been a frustrating fews days for me. Because just as soon as I got my internet up and running again, my computer died on me. And then last night my internet died too. Seeing as how I need both and at the same time to do things…it’s been a bit tricky. So I’m sitting […]
Posted on November 22, 2004, 3:38 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Sometimes, I get so depressed thinking about war, and famine, and quite frankly all the horrible things in this world. And then I happen upon some cranny of the internet that is a bastion of light, and all is right in my world again. This is one such beacon of hope.
Posted on November 20, 2004, 12:46 AM, by The WAMBAG.
The Big One I (soundtrack)The Messenger – The Tea Party I’ve been 20 years old for over two weeks now and, well, it’s been a ride. I think I’m finally ready to talk about the events that occured during that time. I’ll try to keep this brief (yeah, right). – Thursday, November 4thSo it was […]
Posted on November 19, 2004, 5:54 PM, by The WAMBAG.
An interesting piece about the movie Fight Club and the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. I have one caveat though: there are spoilers to Fight Club (and I supposed Calvin and Hobbes too). So if you don’t want to find out that Bruce Willis is dead, it’s the name of his sled, and it was […]
Posted on November 18, 2004, 2:52 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Tagboard’s out until it’s not. Don’t bother checking. 11748 – gotta go!
Posted on November 16, 2004, 12:52 PM, by The WAMBAG.
My internet connection resets every two minutes, so it’s like a race against time whenever I want to do something, like download a handout, submit an assignment, or surf for that (honey) sweet Malaysian bear porn I love so much. So now I’m posting, and we’ll see if the connection holds out long enough for […]