Posted on July 31, 2005, 2:45 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Whew, that was a long week. Up until today, the highlight of my week was probably being offered a trade of Mark Teixeira for Ted Lilly by the cyber Texas Rangers GM, in MVP Baseball. …but I don’t know if that’s saying a lot, because that’s a pretty sweet trade. But then today rolled around, […]
Posted on July 29, 2005, 12:31 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Minor Collision Take, Take, Take – The White Stripes I had a fun, albeit slightly awkward day yesterday. Annia met Angel. They got along well enough, but I still felt uncomfortable. Ever since I was a little kid I hated having to hang out with more than one friend. I used to have a friend […]
Posted on July 28, 2005, 7:48 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Choking Yak’s Provoking Facts – That still is possibly the gayest title of all time. These aren’t facts. The rhyming is like Avril-level quality. And is anyone honestly provoked by these type of posts? It just makes no sense. …and goddamn, I love it. – I saw two pigeons out in the middle of the […]
Posted on July 27, 2005, 11:14 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Linkachu, I choose you! – A Flash tribute to Raiden – it’s a shooter, go play. If you use the red spread shot with the homing missles, you are no longer allowed to look me in the eye. Be a man and use blue lasers with straight missles. – British scientists have achived a scientific […]
Posted on July 27, 2005, 12:08 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Movie And A Dinner Gold Dust Woman – Fleetwood Mac I went to see Charlie And The Chocolate Factory today with Annia. I highly recommend it, however this should come with the disclaimer that I am totally Tim Burton’s bitch. I loved Edward Scissorhands. Beetlejuice scared the crap out of me. I thought his Batman […]
Posted on July 26, 2005, 1:35 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Water Pigs Tomorrow – Silverchair 24 packs of Nestle Water are on sale for $2.88 at the Food Basics I work at! Who says we don’t do ads on this site? Actually, the real reason I’m bringing it up is because these water-buying motherfuckers who come to the store are DRIVING ME CRAZY!!! Business has […]
Posted on July 26, 2005, 1:25 AM, by The WAMBAG.
As I started growing up, I noticed some of the more adult-themed material being snuck into so-called “children’s programming”. But I never really expected this vile creep of evil to reach Sesame Street. I had no idea that the Cookie Monster was really a metaphor for, well, crackhead. And here’s the proof, on the Martha […]
Posted on July 25, 2005, 3:53 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Regarding webcomics… I don’t read that many webcomics. At least I don’t think I do compared to the average internet-goer these days. And certainly not compared to Jess. But the ones I read are actually good. ‘cept for PVP. I absolutely hate it. But I don’t know why I keep reading it. I went through […]
Posted on July 22, 2005, 1:04 AM, by The WAMBAG.
That’s Jazz, Baby Crucial – k-os All summers should be like this. It’s funny. I used to hate when people would ask me what I was doing during the summer. Of course, my answer would always be “nothing”. How was I supposed to explain to people that my day was divided neatly into 12 hours […]
Posted on July 21, 2005, 5:30 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Re: Fantastic Four… On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best movie of all time and 1 being the worst movie of all time, I thought Jessica Alba was excellent. Into The Blue, here we come! And here’s a link – Jesus Christ Supercop. And that’s it. Normally I’d bundle all […]