Archive for October 2005

(A Random Post)

For roughly a decade of my life, Halloween was my favouritest holiday ever. Beat out Christmas every year. But it’s sad now, because no one over the age of 12 understands what the true meaning of Halloween is. So let me tell you what the true meaning of Halloween is. The true meaning of Halloween […]

(A Random Post)

Just a couple of links for now. – Bruce Lee screen test. Bruce Lee is awesome. And check out what he says when he’s demonstrating groin punches or whatever. Straight from the mouth of the greatest Chinaman of all time. How can you argue with that authority? It’s all true. It’s all deadly. – This […]

(A Random Post)

Balance Soul Meets Body – Death Cab For Cutie I can’t believe that I didn’t own a CD player until recently. I had no idea what I was missing. My brother got me this cheap one from Walmart. It’s got, like, no features but the headphones are great. The quality is super high. At least, […]

(A Random Post)

24 Season 5 teaser. That’s really all that needs to be said. January, baby!

(A Random Post)

So I’m coming home from class yesterday, planning to get some desperately needed nappy time on the subway. I’m walking to the platform, and out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar looking, almost-middle-aged Chinese guy. I immediately change direction and go into full stealth mode, because I don’t want any unnecessary […]

(A Random Post)

I apologize. Five days without a post is ridiculous. Forgive me. You know what else is ridiculous? That no one I’ve actually spoken to in person has seen Awesometown, one of the better links I’ve posted for the last couple of months and prime inspirational material for Five Seasons. Why do I bother putting this […]

(A Random Post)

A mnemonic for pi. Note the special guest appearance by StrongBad.

(A Random Post)

Awesometown! It’s my type of show. So consider that your warning. Be sure to check out The Lonely Island episodes and the Kiefer Sutherland extras and whatnot (too lazy to provide links) when you have absolutely nothing to do. Apparently one of those dudes is a SNL cast member now and the other two are […]

(A Random Post)

This is only funny to those who went to MDHS… Or those who hate Hanson. I’m going to jump on the quote bandwagon this one time: The band… gave every student in the school a copy of their new album, “Underneath.”

(A Random Post)

Sometimes when I’m walking for ten minutes from class to class, I like to follow people. I walk behind them and synchronize my steps in time to theirs so that I’m walking just as far and just as fast as they are. It might look a bit weird, but I’m always hoping that no one […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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