Archive for November 2005

(A Random Post)

If this has been posted already, I apologize. Remember that Vin Diesel Fact Generator that was posted on the WAMBAG a while back? Well, here are some equally truthful facts about our friend Chuck Norris. That being said, always remember that the quickest way to a man’s heart is with Chuck Norris’s fist.

(A Random Post)

Mulligan Oh Well – Fiona Apple I had a great idea the other day. A notion, if you will. It’s been well-documented on this site that I had an absolutely awful year last year. Just terrible. I wish it had never happened. Well…what if it didn’t? What if I could just wake up in the […]

(A Random Post)

Schtuff Perfect Situation – Weezer Here’s a site where you can download the new Weezer video for those of you who are too busy to search for it or rip it off somewhere else. Click on the kitty. Credit to our favourite sexual deviant Max Wong for the link. Much like the video version of […]

(A Random Post)

Some quick links to keep this site alive for yet another day. – Generic Japanese cross-dressing music super happy fun. – Christmas House. This link has been making the rounds, so let me know if it breaks. – Marvin Spectrum, a new Hatch-like Flash game. So far I have 149/155 and 58 in the high […]

(A Random Post)

Pictures from the Kanye concert, posted just for the sake of posting. Please don’t expect anything entertaining this time. You will be let down. Like you always are with this site. Also, the pictures are ass. Not of ass. EDIT: No wait, I lied. I haven’t figured out how to work picture captions into the […]

(A Random Post)

Please join me for another installment of Choking Yak’s Provoking Facts. – Sometimes I’m writing, and I’ll write an awesome looking not-cursive-but-cursive-looking-style ‘g’ and I’ll have to stop, sit back, admire it, and think to myself What an awesome looking ‘g’ that is. It almost looks like a grown-up wrote it. Sometimes you just gotta […]

(A Random Post)

I’m Gonna Be Sick Sundown – Elwood I woke up today and my brother told me that Eddie Guerrero is dead. For those of you don’t know, he’s a professional wrestler. I’m a huge wrestling fan. I have been since I was a kid. I’m not going to go into a big schpiel about why […]

(A Random Post)

FUCK!!! For Prison Break reruns? RERUNS!?! Fuck you, Fox. Fuck you right up the anal cavity. Kitchen Confidental too. Though in hindsight, it wasn’t really that good, especially compared to Arrested Development. I hate all you Everybody Loves Raymond watching fuckers, who kept a show like Friends alive for so many years, a move that […]

(A Random Post)

Can Anything In My Life Go Right?!? Change (In The House Of Flies) – Deftones There was this new girl working at the Second Cup in the Sidney Smith lounge today. I asked her for a cheese croissant, which I always, always eat after class. She gave me a cheese muffin. … FUCK!!! One day […]

(A Random Post)

Office Affairs Fall To Pieces – Avril Lavigne (I’m going to hell for using this song.) It was a good day at work today, for sure. I was feeling paranoid because my boss has told me that money has been missing for the last few weeks. My managers also seem to be cracking down on […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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