(A Random Post)
Been out of action for awhile. School, work, and miscellaneous things have been piling up…and I still haven’t found that blasted dust pan. Which isn’t cool, because my parents are coming back today. …or tomorrow – that’s another thing I should probably figure out soon. But it’s times like these that I wish the days were longer. I’ve already put in over 24 hours worth of work this week and it’s only Wednesday morning! That night school exam certainly didn’t help me out either. Over these past two weeks, I think I’ve averaged like five hours of sleep a night. I’ve done worse and for longer, but it’s still not a good thing for me. And my body’s trying to steal those hours back while I’m at work – I’ve had to rely on all my years of in-class-sleeping experience to fight it off. Frequent walks, drinking massive amounts of cold water, cutting myself with a blade, secret ninjitsu mind techniques…you’ve taught me so much, RHHS and UofT. So much. I understand that one single cup of coffee could probably solve all of that, but I will stick to my life goal of not ever drinking one sip of that devil water. Or that Jolt crap too. I realize that it’s a foolish goal, but a man can dream, can’t he?
Anyway…what the hell was I saying…? Right – been out of action for awhile. Haven’t had the time to check out these spiffy links I got in front of me, but I promise I will soon. I don’t like posting links I haven’t seen myself – even though it might seem that way, since I can never remember what I post. But I swear, once I get some spare time at home, I’ll throw up some goodies. Just not today, because I gotta stay late again.
Now for some public service announcements…
– If you’ve seen AVP, do not – I repeat – DO NOT attempt to think about this movie. I made that mistake, and I have suffered for it. Even that standard post-movie reflection we had at that Vietnamese place was dangerous enough. But during a lull here at work the other day, I foolishly went ahead and spent even more time thinking about it. Do not do this. This movie is dangerous enough as it is. (There’s probably a Choking Yak joke in there somewhere, but my mind is dull and I cannot find it. …also, it might be bad taste to make fun of dead 3 year-olds.) … (Dammit, there’s probably a bad taste/dead 3 year-old joke in there too, but I couldn’t find that one either!)
– Also, our team of movieologists here at The WAMBAG are still unable to properly gauge AVP in terms of Van Helsing percentage (henceforth known as “VH%”). This may be due to the fact that we really have absolutely no idea what the hell VH% measures. So we might want to figure that out one day. However, the movieologists we have on our payroll all unanimously agree that the potential VH% figure is high. Way high.
– Regarding the Canadian Nation Expo – I am actually serious. I know I say a lot of things, and that I am a pathological liar, but I was indeed in fact, serious about this one, just this one time. I’ve been angling to hit this baby up for the last four years, with my cousins, some church guys, and once even with high school people (I’m not sure why I actually expected that not to fail), but stuff never works out. Though it’s always been for the comic book side – I was never interested in the CNAnime thing until I watched that one cosplay video. …well okay, there was some preliminary interest when Jess brought it up, but that video (and those cosplay pictures that Sheep has suspiciously easy access to) sealed the deal. So I’ve officially brought it up now, and I will soon Really Officially bring it up in person/phone/pigeon whenever I have the time. Which again…might actually take awhile. But it’s the weekend after the Magic thing, aka “next weekend” since the Magic thing is “this weekend.”
– Speaking of which, we should document that. I am often saddened and angered by the fact that I am unable to brag about my top seeding from last time, since it was undocumented. And the people that witnessed it were all a bunch of slack jawed faggots anyway and aren’t worth talking to.
– Speaking of which, ever since watching Predator again and now owning it, I have begun to work more and more Ahnuld vocabulary back into my life. I don’t know why I ever stopped. So just a heads up.
– Speaking of which, I need a copy of Kindergarten Cop. If anyone ever sees it at FutureShop or something, send a pigeon. Because I have not been able to find it. And BELIEVE ME, I’ve tried.
– That “BELIEVE ME” is supposed to be Will Ferrell from Bad Doctor #1. Damn the internet.
So with the above points in mind…it might not be completely outside the realm of possibility for the fabled Articles page to make its glorious return. With school coming soon and the need for unproductive alternatives to homework, it’s definitely possible. Maybe just a plain W-L record for the Magic thing, and maybe a simple running database of movies and their Van Helsing rating? Anyone think this could work? Is it just me? COME ON!