Archive for September 2003

(A Random Post)

Nostalgia engine kicks in right about…now. This is going to be a rather lengthy one, I’m afraid. Like article long. Today’s theme will be ninjas. And I’m not going to throw in any Ultimate Power references. I’m sorry, it’s just so worn out and cliché. This post is too damn cool for that crap. I’ve […]

(A Random Post)

The Big Hit #1 What is “The Big Hit”? Well ever since I’ve been a part of the Wambag, I’ve had like 3 posts. That’s pretty sad and you know what, I’ve always wanted to post more, but I’m just too darn lazy. I mean, why post on a blog site when I could be: […]

(A Random Post)

Good trailer. Go now!

(A Random Post)

Here’s a nifty German site I found with some neato pictures of concept cell phones. It’s pretty spiffy, but I’m a little iffy on the whole movement towards video phones. I really don’t want to see or be seen by the person I’m calling. I mean, that way I won’t be able to talk on […]

(A Random Post)

I apologize – I got so wrapped up in my Chris Farley utterings that I forgot to post up the other bizzare news goodness I had. So here they go, complete with matching witty comment for no extra charge. …except for your first born child. So if you don’t want to lose the little fellow, […]

(A Random Post)

Just got this little bit of news for you today. And it’s one of those that make you sit back and wonder…”What the bloomin’ baskets of bosh is this!?!” Not because it’s a ridiculous story – I can actually imagine this scene quite clearly in my mind’s eye – but because it’s considered worthy enough […]

(A Random Post)

Any math majors here? Computer science guys? Engineers? Science majors? OAC math takers? Whatever. A few months ago (July 24) I posted a page that collected a lot of lines from The Simpsons that involved the use of language, historal timbits of fact, or whatever as some hilarious – yet amazingly subtle – jokes. Well […]

(A Random Post)

Learned this morning that Christian Bale will be the next Batman. It’s good news to me. Actually, I’ve been hearing nothing but good news for the next Batman movie. Christopher Nolan as director – Momento’s one of my favourite movies. Like…top ten, maybe top five if I took the time to think about it. No […]

(A Random Post)

I’ll make this quick, because I’m exhausted, and hovering in and out of sleep. I have a bunch of links and I was trying to think of clever and witty ways to string them together…but then I couldn’t, so I gave up. Here’s a shot of a real long fooz ball (“Foos ball?” “Table soccer?”) […]

(A Random Post)

Digital Apps class part 2… Well I’m in Digital Apps again, and this time we’ve moved on to Photoshop. We are doing beginner stuff and this is pretty boring seeing as how I’m so badass and better than everyone else :). So yesterday was the first sunday of the NFL season and I actually watched […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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