(A Random Post)

Now that we’ve finally broken the chain of Avril-related posts, I felt it necessary to tap out another combo – this time with weird rabbit related Flash pages. This one’s actually like a few years old, but it’s one of my favourite pages, and I’d rather no one miss out.

Now I realize that it’s a fairly specific theme, so it might be hard to chain into another one. But you gotta try it anyways – combos are so important. And hey, if it doesn’t connect you can always dash back and turtle for a bit and try again later. Or maybe call out the AAA assist and try to corner trap the sucker.



Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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