(A Random Post)
On the topic of Conan guests, here’s Fred Simmons, Tae Kwon Do instructor. Edit 2: New link should work now. Brilliant. Addendum! Also, here’s the new Get Smart trailer.
On the topic of Conan guests, here’s Fred Simmons, Tae Kwon Do instructor. Edit 2: New link should work now. Brilliant. Addendum! Also, here’s the new Get Smart trailer.
So hopefully we’re all settled out here, and moving forward I think we’ll just keep it simple and just keep the whole operation on the index page. That is, as long as you hit up just plain vanilla WAMBAG.COM, you’ll find our page. So whenever we make the switch to the new space, there won’t […]
We’ve been online for over five years now, with just over three of those on our own domain name and externally hosted webspace. And out of those three years…we’ve only really paid for one of them. ShieldHost has been our host for the last three years, the original reason being that they were dirt cheap. […]
Some bits and pieces assembled over the course of a lazy work week, part of an award-winning series I like to call Choking Yak’s Provoking Facts… – HIGH-FIVE! and its sequel HIGH-FIVE HOLLYWOOD! White people love high-fives…SEGUEWAY! – So regarding Stuff White People Like…great stuff, and subject of recent discussions (like…one discussion) as to who […]
Whatever, Whatever Detroit Rock City – Kiss There was a point over the weekend when I was taking a break from Rock Band and listening to Max, William, Jess and Max’s friend David play Wonderwall that I suddenly found myself enjoying that song as much as I did when I first heard it years ago. […]
This is a stupid YouTube video called Under The Tusken Sun. It’s Star Wars humour, so beware. Though to be honest, it’s barely even that – there’s just ONE gag throughout the entire thing…and yet I can’t help but laugh, it’s so beautiful in its simplicity. The Sand People are easily frightened but will return […]
Life In Lo-Def Gotta Eat – Lupe Fiasco When I’m going about my daily business, there’s really no good reason for me to not be wearing my glasses. I get around fine, but everything is so much crisper and clearer that it’s a mystery as to why I ever take them off. Sometimes it’s better […]
Quick three hit combo, to keep it rolling. – So Be Kind Rewind is Michel Gondry’s new movie with Jack Black and Mos Def about how some guys film their own version of some movies and blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah. Whatever. Now this is one of the craziest things I have ever seen […]
What is the internet equivalent for “hot off the press?” You know, because presses aren’t really involved when you’re dealing with the internet…would it be like “hot off the internet?” Though in that case, “hot” would be more of a metaphorical or slang thing rather than freshly printed newspapers being actually, literally infused with heat […]
I call this segment of our show Choking Yak’s Provoking Facts. Because I am gay. – I play Only In Dreams on my phone as my alarm in the morning not so much because the song’s so fitting to wake up from, but mainly because it gives me like a deliciously long eight minutes to […]