Archive for November 2011

Indistinguishable From Magic

So I found a craisin under my keyboard yesterday, and it tasted like the exact same as a brand new craisin, even though I know for a fact that I finished my last bag of those suckers like well over two months ago. I was really surprised by that, I thought they would rot or […]

Chumbawamba: The Greatest Band In The World

I was so proud that we managed to get up eight entire posts in August; the highest total in over a year. I thought it’d be the start of a new trend upwards again, back to the glory days of The WAMBAG. Instead, we scratch out a paltry single post (technically two…but honestly, look at […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



Atom, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 - no idea what the difference is.

Tagboard (!?!)

Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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