Posted on December 9, 2015, 3:10 PM, by Choking Yak.
Here’s a bunch of links about a bunch of random things! – Someone is offering 90.5 BitCoins (worth approximately $50,000) for a qualified Magic Pro Tour player to build a deck based around Seance. It’s a weird request. Bystanders familiar with “mtgfinance circles” think that it’s in an effort to inflate the worth of the […]
Posted on December 1, 2015, 3:02 PM, by Choking Yak.
Oh shit it’s December already! What happened!?! – Slim Jim is throwing out a ton of commercial campaigns, in what I imagine to be like a marketing shotgun approach. One particular line includes TJ Miller in blue-face as a Slim Jim genie that grants wishes…? I don’t know, I think you should watch them. But […]