Posted on November 30, 2006, 10:27 PM, by The WAMBAG.
There was this fundraising mini-golf tournament at work last week, where every department on our floor made their own little crappy mini-course. Like for one, they just put the hole (a little plastic donut with one side shaped like a dustbin) around the corner, scattered some stuffed animals on the floor, and called it the […]
Posted on November 28, 2006, 8:37 PM, by The WAMBAG.
2 Months. 5 Minutes. You Make Loving Fun – Fleetwood Mac Let it never be said that my crazy stalker plans don’t work. Last week I found out how to meet Elena without having to actually call her. You know I hate doing things like that. I was heading to my tutorial and I just […]
Posted on November 27, 2006, 11:00 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Another posting slump? LIES! Two quick links to get it started again. First – from what I gather to be a German comedy show (though I can never really tell when it’s in foreign languages) – Bernie & Ert. There’s a bunch of videos in the series, browse at your own leisure. It’s in German, […]
Posted on November 21, 2006, 9:23 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Additional notes, in post form. Because I put a character limit on the tagboard to prevent shenanigannary. First off, regarding Kramer’s career suicide…I actually first heard about it in the elevator up to the office on Monday. I have these super posh elevators at work that have little screens that flash miscellaneous Associated Press article […]
Posted on November 21, 2006, 3:53 AM, by The WAMBAG.
I Even Have A Column In “Ebony” Called Musings Niggas Die 4 Me – Drag-On ft. DMX Randomness! * If you’re curious, today’s post title is brought to you by the friendly folks over at 30 Rock. I would be surprised if Brian wasn’t watching this show since it stars our favourite nerdita, Tina Fey. […]
Posted on November 16, 2006, 5:33 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Some ad agencies down in Latin America keep spamming the tagboard, and I think I’m just going to ban all access from that region of the world. It’s a fairly simple two step process. First step is figuring out if that’s even possible. Second step is doing it. It’s that easy. Yesterday I called my […]
Posted on November 11, 2006, 11:53 PM, by The WAMBAG.
I really question the moves humanity has made in recent times. For instance, when you teach a chimpanzee how to play Ms. Pacman and how to high-five someone…really, why not just hand the control of the world over to them, save some time? I, for one, welcome our new pill-popping, ghost-gunning, feces-flinging overlords. Would you […]
Posted on November 9, 2006, 1:49 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Very tired today, not a lot of time for chatting of chittery nature. I must get you to the links as soon as possible. GO FORTH FROM HERE POST-HASTE! – Will It Blend? I guess so. So now let me ask you a question. What kind of disturbed human being could possibly need or desire […]
Posted on November 6, 2006, 1:59 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Thanks Giving High – Feeder You’ll never know how close you guys were to being subjected to a super, super depressing post. I’ve got it all written down in my, er, diary. I was even going to use an Emily Haines song as the soundtrack for it. Fortunately, things got better, mostly due to the […]
Posted on November 2, 2006, 12:00 AM, by The WAMBAG.
I posted the beer battered deep fried bacon double quarter pounder link some time ago, but now I have found the perfect beverage to wash it down with. New Coke! And finally, in case you would still be alive after those two, here is the angel of mercy that will deliver you to the Hell […]