Posted on April 19, 2012, 8:14 PM, by Choking Yak.
I woke up this morning expecting pancakes to be waiting for me in my kitchen for some reason. There were none. I live by myself and did not actually sleepcook them prior to waking up. I don’t even have any stuff to make pancakes with in my place, it was a wholly unreasonable expectation to […]
Posted on April 16, 2012, 11:28 PM, by Choking Yak.
Quickly, rank these face-offs by order of suspense! Ross vs Lorenzo in a race-off! A StarCraft 2 cheese-off! That scene from Deliverance with the banjo-off! God, so exciting. How about that Mavericks/Dallas game from last night that featured two seven foot Europeans with threeing-off (okay I’ll stop now) in overtime? Now where does that rank? […]
Posted on April 11, 2012, 10:45 PM, by Choking Yak.
I ate a donut today, and God it was so delicious. It was free too, so it made it even better. – Forget Anchorman 2 – the premiere comedy everyone should be anticipating a comeback sequel from is Twins. Yes, that 1988 classic where Ahnuld and Danny DeVito play fraternal twins is adding another long […]