Archive for September 2009

Tricks Are Something A Whore Does For Money

Just some links to keep up the illusion that this site is updated on a semi-regular basis. – I don’t know if this Blind Date episode is new for everyone here, but if I haven’t seen it then it’s new to me! This guy is just killing it from the start – I wish I […]

It’s Hard Being Black And Gifted

If you ever want to peer deep into the heart of darkness and find out how white people really get down, go on a trip with them out of town to play in a softball tournament. There was a drunken parking lot barbeque that was broken up in a mad scramble after someone thought the […]

The Cretaceous Express

I would once again like to retract my previous statement – the whole Kanye thing once again became completely incapable of soliciting even a mild emotion of joy from me only moments after I had posted those links. The hilarity vanished with the same sudden speed with which it arrived with. Things move much quicker […]

A Retraction

I was wrong, that Kanye stunt at the VMA’s has given me endless joy since it became a certified internet meme. In addition to the fantastic Swayze bits (Ghost forever, son!) this hydrangea bit is absolutely killer. Pick your own favourite! This is probably also the greatest new site idea I’ve seen this year. Also, […]

(A Random Post)

Yesterday, a palliative care patient I had met for no more than 2 minutes was being really bitchy. I was trying my best to be polite and to grin and bear it, but at one point, she broke out into histrionics and asked, “Why aren’t you treating me? Do you people want me to die?” […]

Sons Of Liberty

I was going to write up a silly bit about Kanye’s stunt during last night’s MTV Video Music Awards…but then I realized that I’m not a seventh grade school girl and I don’t give a shit about music video award shows. So…there goes that. Honestly people, it’s the MTV Video Music Awards – who gives […]

Live Blog: Friday Afternoon Meeting

Instead of printing out this 49 page design document and committing an act of ecological terrorism, I’m just going to bring my laptop to the meeting room. Incidentially this will also allow me to live blog my 2:30 to 4:00 technical design document walkthrough meeting. 2:31 – Feeling good, meeting chair has brought Chunks Ahoy! […]

Of Ghosts ‘N Goblins

I found myself sitting in my car alone in an empty gas station last night, just after I had filled up my tank. Some random song from my CD player was on while I contemplated whether or not I should treat myself to an ice cream sandwich for the two minute drive home. Suddenly, I […]

A Random September Post

Man, it was a lot easier to post when I could just throw any sort of crap I wanted up here and then be done with it all. Now I have to think of a fitting title to slap on all my crap first. I really have to tip my hats to you sirs, I […]

John Cho Would Make A Great Ryu

It was pretty big news for me when the Monk was revealed as the fourth character for Diablo 3, since I’ve been starving for any scraps of Diablo 3 related news since it was announced in June 2008. On one hand, I’m ecstatic to get any Diablo 3 news at all, especially full gameplay videos […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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