Archive for August 2004

(A Random Post)

Two links. Make Transformers from paper. Make…things from hot dogs. That’s all I gots. Tired now. Talk more next time.

(A Random Post)

My Favourite Minutes (soundtrack) Turn My Head – Live My university mates came over on Friday. I told them I’d show them around, which is hilarious considering that my knowledge of Markham extends from my house to as far as Markville Mall. We planned to go out to dinner, but it was really just an […]

(A Random Post)

A preview of what’s to come on the WAMBAG… … wait patiently my friends. The best is yet to come. MaxSnax

(A Random Post)

Goddamn I’m tired. Here’s some links. Video! I got no idea what this is, but I thought it was pretty funny. “Are you okay? No…you’re not.” Strange eBay auction. It’s the sale of some Transformer comics that were written 15 years ago that apparently predicted 9/11. Man…this guy is wacky. Check this bit… “I bought […]

(A Random Post)

After like two straight weeks of saying “Okay, I’m getting some extra sleep TODAY”, I’ve decided to scrap that idea and just forgo sleep entirely. Let’s see how long I can go until I burn out. …I’m guessing one day. Why? I finally got my dirty paws on a (poor and almost certainly bootlegged) copy […]

(A Random Post)

So we already got the DC side pretty much down right? With the Nazi Superman and everything? Let’s try and get the Avengers down then. Troy Hurtubise – Iron Man styles. Hiroshi Kobayashi – Um…also Iron Man styles. Tommy Frank – Hawkeye styles. Crazy guy – Swordsman styles. Yu Zhenhuan – Beast styles. And hey, […]

(A Random Post)

Continuing along the vein of robots, I bring you the story of Troy Hurtubise, creator of the experimental anti-bear armoured suit. Yes. A mecha to battle bears. This is Troy, harnessing the power of TECHNOLOGY to battle an ursine evil. Looks like another candidate for the real-life Iron Man spot has entered the race. Here […]

(A Random Post)

I think it’s well documented here that my hatred for McDonald’s’ (what’s the punctuation supposed to be!?!) advertising campaign burns with the heat of a thousand suns. The ideas are so damn stupid that they’re lame. They’re bad – not funny bad – just BAD bad. I hate them. Just like I hate how people […]

(A Random Post)

I bring you the gift of videos. – Killer kickboxing robots! Sure, Jess posted it first, but like I said, mine has videos! I like The Rumble the best – everyone’s confused, bodies everywhere, guys are bumping into other guys – it’s like a gigantic robotic orgy. And I’m always for that. – Wok boarding. […]

(A Random Post)

Wallowing In My Own Filth (soundtrack) Dope Nose – Weezer After an insane, drug addled post about hats and a post with wedding photos that none of us should ever have had to witness, it looks like it’s up to me to class up this joint once again. Before I start, I just thought I’d […]


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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