Archive for September 2002

(A Random Post)

I love Sprite’s ads. They’re hilarious. Do I drink sprite? Nope. Do I have a point? Nope. Man, don’t you hate it when special events just creep up on you and you forget about them? This year, Life-Threatening Allergy Day got me. HAPPY LIFE-THREATENING ALLERGY DAY BRIAN!! There we go. Oh, I also got a […]

(A Random Post)

Fun for hours.

(A Random Post)

I agree with everything Yak yakked about. And it’s true that the only reason Branch gets less coverage than Lavigne is because of Avril’s Punk Sk8er Gurl image. Well, that and the amount of advertising her record label is willing to pay for. Which brings my attention a the sad truth – the entertainment industry […]

(A Random Post)

…uh…hearkening back to Emu’s last post, the number of Avril Lavigne related posts seems unstoppable. I wanted a go too, since I had some things that I could talk about. But when I typed it all out it was almost as long as Emu’s last article. So I just kept rambling and now it’s about […]

(A Random Post)

Emu and I were talking today, and with the amount of Avril we’ve been mentioning recently, we think it would be prudent to convert the WAMBAG into an avril lavigne shrine cuz omg shes like so kewl ^_^. Or not. I never knew I had that much horrible teen fangirl in me.

(A Random Post)

Okay. Slightly hearkening back to Sheepy’s last post below, he sent me this Avril bashing site. Rage…! Okay, so Avril Lavigne doesn’t write her own songs (not by herself anyway), doesn’t play guitar (very well), doesn’t skate too dandy, and her music isn’t really “punk.” To all that, I say …who cares? Whether you like […]

(A Random Post)

Hearkening back (vaguely) to Emu’s music article, I was visiting a chat room yesterday, and the subject of Avril Lavigne popped up. Suddenly, everyone in the chat room started RAWRing and hissing. I heard all the usual arguments (ones that I too used before I became a “true believer”), including the “she’s such a hypocrite” […]

(A Random Post)

So I’m out of milk. And juice. And Coke. There is nothing to drink in my house – I refuse to drink water straight. So I dug around my cupboards and I fished out a half-filled Costco-sized Nestea Ice Tea drink mix that I don’t remember buying. And I usually have pretty good memory of […]

(A Random Post)

I had Kraft Dinner for lunch today. *badoomching* Okay, it really wasn’t KD, it was President’s Choice because it was cheaper. Went to a friend’s house to cook it. Well she cooked it because she was a girl and I am culinarily challenged. And it actually turned out like the picture on the box. See, […]

(A Random Post)

I guess this sorta ties in with Yak’s 80’s tribute… Kind of. By the way, does its main site have the coolest news system or what?


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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