(A Random Post)
The Hulk. Uh…I’m not sure. I think I might think about it for a day or two, and possibly watch it again, before I pass judgement. But I have thought over my ranking again, and I think my official stance on (non-Hulk) Marvel movies is this…
- X2 > Spider-Man > X-Men > Blade > Blade 2 > Daredevil
…I think. Or not. Actually I might have to rewatch Spider-Man and Blade again to refresh my memory. All I know for certain at this point is
- X2 > … > Hulk > … > Daredevil
So anyway, that’s not much of a post for today, so I’ll throw in a little something extra. “Little” – get it? Ho ho! …ah yes, I haven’t actually given you the link yet have I? So you probably didn’t catch that…
I’ve decided that I’d like to learn how to play guitar. But only this guitar. Because anything else is just not worth it.