(A Random Post)

Just downloaded this Google Toolbar dealie on one of my computers and I’m taking it for a spin. I figure I use Google frequently enough to justify trying it at least, and thus now I don’t even need to type in “google.ca” anymore – it’s straight into the text box and…giddy up. Also comes with a Blogger button and some miscellaneous highlighting stuff that I think are nifty. There’s this pop-up killer, but it’s on by default – meaning one click per session to turn it off. And that’s one additional click too many for me. It’s still technically in beta testing, so I don’t know how dangerous this bugger is yet.

Also, that cool Street Fighter site I was talking about with Assface while we were kicking cyborg ass is one StreetFighterComics.com. It’s insane with flash goodness, and it’s one of the nicest sites I’ve been to, even disregarding my personal bias towards its content. Very well done, and it’s neat just to admire the coding behind it…er…that is…if I was some sort of huge nerd. Which…I am…obviously not.

So a new Street Fighter comic’s coming the second Wednesday of September, at which point Yak “the video game nerd” and Yak “the comic book nerd” will merge together and form some sort of giant space monster killing robot. The chaps who make it have said that they’ll be handing out a preview comic, kind of a #0 at the Canadian National Comic Book Expo over at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre come August 22-24. So when that time rolls around, I’ll probably be heading over – not just for the single preview comic, but because I’ve never been to these covention thingies. Looking forward to take a sampling of the comic book nerd/geek hierarchy, and seeing where I fit in.

And if anyone else is interested, we can make an outing of it, complete with custom cruising music and everything.



Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



Atom, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 - no idea what the difference is.

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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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