(A Random Post)

The Week In Review


Heart Of The City – Jay Z


Monday was great. It started off with Will and I going to school to finish our last exam: NARRATIVE!!!

When we got there, Professor Lucas hadn’t even showed up yet. I remarked, “Man, you know how she kept sending us e-mails changing the location of the exam? I bet cash money that she’s going to change it again when she gets here.” This woman’s behaviour is like clockwork. She shows up, frazzled as usual and recovering from whatever affliction it is that she was suffering from last week. When another vict…er, classmate asks what’s going on, I say, “Classic Lucas”. The exam itself wasn’t too hard, though harder than we expected it to be, I think. Whatever, I’m finished, that’s what’s important.

After that I went to the mall with Safina, another friend from Psych. We barely know each other, but I was bored as shit so I decided that I’d let her try and hook me up down at the mall. Unfortunately, we seem to have caught the skank shift. Lots of girls ranging from ugly to slightly better than mediocre. Disappointing.

Safina herself was nice. I dutifully served the role of boyfriend. She tried stuff on and took half an hour to decide on two black purses that looked almost the same. I had to keep my mouth shut on that one. Besides, she gets huge points for guessing that the CD I came to purchase was Ghostface Killah‘s The Pretty Toney Album. That was tight. Just to provide some reference, The Ice Queen failed the same test earlier in the year. And she didn’t even try, which really hurt.

The outing inevitably ended with Safina saying, “You know, if I didn’t have a boyfriend and was actively searching for one, I’d definitely consider you” or something to that effect. Gee, thanks. Two things:

1) That can easily be read as: “You’re a nice guy, but I pity whoever ends up with your lame ass.”

2) That statement is right up there with, “Let’s just be friends.”

No, no, I’m kidding. It was a nice thing for her to say and I genuinely appreciated it. But men…you know where I’m coming from.


Hmm…don’t remember.


Went down to school to visit Mr. Mitchell and Jess. Ran into Ms. Webb too. The whole thing was kind of awkward, because I haven’t grown at all so I really had nothing to talk about. It was nice to see my old mentors, but other than that I still don’t feel like I deserve to come back yet. The next time I visit, I want it to be because I have a reason for them to be proud of me. They deserve that much.

Oh yeah and Max came over. We played video games all day and into the next.

Thursday – Present

City Of HeroesCity Of HeroesCity Of Heroes


Action Shot – Notice that I’m clearly missing here. I do that a lot.

Run, Fatass, Run! – Self-explanatory.

Standing Under The Crotch Of A Giant – At first I thought that this was a really cool shot, but upon further inspection…let’s just move on.

I’m Ready For My Close-Up – Chicks dig the big “M”.

Just Open It – “Where I’m from? A little town called ‘None of your God-damn business’. Let’s play some dice bitches.”

Me And A Couple Of Other Members Of Omega Flight – Sorry about the darkness of this picture. Anyway, here’s me and some people from my bro’s supergroup. On my left is my friend Lloyd, aka China White. On my right, my cousin Derek, aka Icesnap. In the centre, yours truly, Maxwell Damage.




Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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