(A Random Post)

Wow. This site is still here? …amazing.

I apologize – I know this place is a mess. I mean…anytime you have Big AL posting twice in a row…you KNOW something’s just not right. What a sad place this has become.

Sadder still…is that your alternative is me. But at least it’s back to the status quo – the same reliable crap you’ve learned to love.

So like I said, I took two weeks off to basically just troll around on the Gaia Online forums, which I found off an old SomethingAwful article. And it’s been an eye-opening, life-changing experience. For one, I didn’t even know that many goths/vampires/furries/homosexuals even EXISTED in the world. Some threads are just disturbing, but some are oh so fun to read. In fact, I’d still be over there right now, but I’ve decided to take a break. I think I needed to chill out a bit after I crossed the line by calling an 8 year-old girl a “crazy little whore” when she said Batman was “gay.” …I mean…can you really blame me?

I feel like I did some good work over there – some solid trolling. Suprisingly I haven’t been banned yet, but I can definately tell you it’s not for lack of trying. I wish I could show you some of my finer work, but most of the threads I made or even posted in have been deleted due to…”inappropriate content.” Still, there’s some nice ones left that I’d thought I’d share with you. Keep in mind that while the board is supposed to be PG-13…there really is no possible way to seriously enforce that, considering the thousands of members the site has.

The Banana FAQ. Unforunately, I can’t take credit for the first post, which I copy and pasted from another forum. I had thought that Gaia would have been a little more open to things like this, considering that some of them like to dress up as cheetahs and hump other guys dressed up as foxes…but I could just not sustain any conversation. Though I did get a couple of PM’s from people calling me a “fucking fruit fucker” which – in my opinion – was just plain funny.

If Jesus was a furry…WHAT ANIMAL WOULD HE BE??? My one-way ticket to hell. And sadly not as entertaining as I thought it would be, because these sick bastards actually tried to seriously answer the question. I wonder how hard my pastor would slap me if I asked him this on Sunday…?

And my personal favourite – Goths vs. Furries. Be careful though – the thread just goes to hell after the first page. No, scratch that – as of the first post it’s already gone to hell.

Some other notable threads include…
My maid is a dirty Mexican – deleted due to “inappropriate content.” Go figure.
I’m a loser baby. So why don’t you kill me? – posted some selective Beck lyrics, and it was deleted because apparently encouraging suicide is against the rules.
What’s your favourite Ninja Turtle? – in where I basically called anyone who didn’t vote for Raphael a “shitty motherfucking cocksucker bitch pussy face ass fag.” Eventually it got deleted after some random people started posting up porn images. …I still have no idea what happened in there.

But all in all…time well spent.

So I guess I’m back here, and you can at least look forward to semi-regular updates, even if they’re completely meaningless and devoid of content. But at least you won’t be staring at the same post day after day about AL and his crappy boat.

And the idea of a redesign has also been floating around in my head. It’s especially possible now with all this neat software and spare time I have at work. As well, with Jess flaunting her presumptuous, hotshot site tweak, I feel that I’ve been slapped with a glove. What is this GALL? You DARE tweak your site in my presence? No, that will NOT stand. All that’s left really, is to decide on the new colours. Lately I’ve been a big fan of the orange/purple mix. Or should we just go back to good ol’ blue? Though I’ve always been partial to the classic violet on (whatever the hell this is) scheme as well. …so many decisions…



Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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