(A Random Post)

Sleeping On The Couch: Day 4


Welcome Back – Mase

I’d just like everyone to know that I’m doing this post shirtless. I thought our female reader(s?) deserved some fan service. *Tssssssss*

Regarding the title, I’ve started sleeping on the couch in an attempt to improve my sleep schedule. I find it so hard to get out of bed, I’m just too damn comfortable. Now, I don’t have that problem because the couch isn’t THAT comfortable. More importantly, I can wake up around 10:30, shake off the cobwebs and turn on the T.V. to catch The View at 11:00, all without having to sit up. It’s the perfect life!

Went balling today with Max and Jeff. We played with local street legend, “Stretch”. Now I know how Devean George, Kareem Rush and Brian Cook feel. He had two sweet dunks, one off a sweet dish by our own Max “Kitchen Sink” Wong. We won 3 straight. It was a good run.

And in the spirit of “Forum Troll” week, I thought I’d get on the Gaia Online bandwagon. I joined about 45 minutes ago and am now trying to delete my character. I didn’t get beyond buying a pair of pants and a snowman head. It was a good run.

So since I failed in that endeavour, I thought I’d share this amusing City of Heroes review some guy posted on GameFAQs. If William owned this game, I’d like to think this is the review he would write. The guy has the William Cheng style of jackass-ery down pat.

Oh yeah, and I’ve also gotten to watching reruns of Just Shoot Me at 2:30 in the morning. You know, that decent sitcom with David Spade. Anyway, there’s this episode where Finch (Spade) asks his friend Maya to write a poem for him so that he can pass a college course. Long story short, the poem becomes huge and Finch gets invited to a reading so that he can introduce a new poem. He asks Maya to write another for him and in an attempt to sabotage him, she writes this:

The Ice Pelican

Slap it on the bing bong

Lick it like a ding dong

Nunchuks on the fly

Corny beef on rye

Watch my lizard cry



And of course, she ends up being the one who reads it.



Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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