(A Random Post)
Hahaha yeah – I jacked that cauliflower line straight up. Didn’t give credit or anything either. So I’ll do it now – here is one of the many transcriptions of the original “bad cybersex” chat logs, where I stole the “cauliflower of love” line from. That in itself is a worthy link – a great read, even if you’ve seen it before.
And here is a thread in where some poor soul innocently tries to start a roleplaying session…but I hijack the thread with lines from those logs. Hahahaha – “I start of by casting magic missle on the darkness” – I mean…what the frick? This one’s a failure, but you can see how it goes when it actually does work. Unforuntately…I can’t seem to find the ones I did before that were successful, because I don’t remember the names of the threads, I don’t know if they’ve been deleted or not, and Gaia’s search function is screwed like my banana. …but oh well.
Anyway, here’s a new link. Nerd Gym – a Flash “book” about how to secretly PUMP *clap clap* YOU UP!!! Some truly horrifying lines of “advice” in there, but chock full of hilarity goodness. The pictures rule.