(A Random Post)

I remembered that I posted a “Poke The Rabbit” link way back, included in one of the very first posts for The WAMBAG. I was a personal favourite of mine, and I remember many lazy afternoons I spent as a child poking the holy hell out of that rabbit. But I found out recently that the link is now dead. And the rabbit poking forever lost. And to me, it doesn’t just seem like the rabbit’s gone – but it’s like a whole part of me was lost to that broken link as well. The broken link…of my heart.

So anyway, I have found a new replacement. Join me – fellow WAMBAGGERS, WAMBAGEES, and WAMBAGITES (sort them out yourself) – as we poke the pengiun.

And when that gets old (at approximately thirty seconds), it’s time to find Waldo…TEXT-BASED BABIEEE. Pretty frickin’ hard if you ask me.

I’ve also been thinking about a site “tweak” lately, because a “redesign” requires far too much effort. So it’d be more of a The WAMBAG 2.1 deal rather than The WAMBAG 3.0. We’ll pack in an extra feature or two, polish off some old sprites to add as new characters, change the lighting effects a bit, add a new menu screen, and sell it as a brand new package. Just like Capcom does. Here’s some random thoughts pertaining to this that have been floating around in my head.

– Purchase a domain and move addresses. I’ve narrowed it down to either www.vanhelsingfuckingrules.com or www.iwillfightyouthatsnolie.com.

– Redesign our mascot as an entity of pure lens flare. Because you can never have enough lens flare.

– Getting around to finishing the “BAGGERS” section of the site. (very low possibility)

– Adding cool new colour schemes using the magic of Casscading Style Sheets.

– Less bizarre fetish pornography. …or more. I haven’t decided.

– Little avatars.

– Maybe a LINKS section.

– Cleaning up the coding so it isn’t a huge mess of tables within tables within tables.

– And more neat hidden stuff like the Banner Dude Rotator Buttons I have tucked away to the left of this post in that big black area. (Who knew about that!?!)

Keep in mind that there is absolutely zero possibility that I will actually get around to doing these.

And now it is time for Dodgeball.



Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



Atom, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 - no idea what the difference is.

Tagboard (!?!)

Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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