(A Random Post)
All These Things That I’ve Done – The Killers
This damn song has been in my head for the last week. Oh, man. It’s not that it’s not a good song, in fact the more I listen to it the more I realize how brilliant it is. I’ve even contemplated buying their CD. That’s right, I think this song is so good that it’s actually making their other songs sound better to me. That’s amazing. The only problem, besides the stupid “I’ve got soul but I’m not a soldier” bit, is that I feel like gushing about the song, but I know if I talk to anyone about it they’ll be like, “Dude, that CD came out, like, over a year ago.” So that’s that.
If you didn’t catch the season premiere of SNL, you missed a hilarious Mike Myers cameo. He did a bit with Kanye West (!), obviously following up on the infamous telethon incident. I’ve got it on tape, so anyone who wants to watch it is welcome to come to my house sometime over the long weekend.
I’ve been sort of bummed out lately since my chances with Adriana seem to deteriorate every day. That, and I spent my whole Saturday playing NBA 2K6 with Max, which ended in the usual bout of self loathing. That, and it’s been difficult to see my friends lately since school and work have been taking up my entire, freakin’ life. I don’t blame them for not being around, as our assignments seem to pile up quicker every year. The other thing is that I’m still recovering from my summer vacation (can you believe it?). I spent so much time with people whose company I actually enjoy. My university friends, while not bad people, are mostly part of my life out of convenience rather than choice. The point is it won’t hurt me to find some new friends. I’m not necessarily ditching my other university friends, just keeping my options open.
My search began in my Shakespeare class. I’ve mentioned a couple of times how nice the girls in this class are, so it was definitely ripe with opportunity. After the first hour of lecture, I decided on this East Indian girl who was sitting on the other side of the room. I shot her a few glances, trying to get a feel for her. Did she seem high-maintenance? Bitchy? Does she have a boyfriend? It was not easy, let me tell you. I wasn’t planning to make a move today, but the opportunity presented itself so I went for it. I was walking down this hall with MDHS alumnus Richard Burley and she happened to be walking behind us. Eventually she passed us and since I was somewhat lost, I asked her, “Which way are you going, miss, because I think we’re following you.” She said she was heading towards the elevators and we all walked there together. After we exited the building, Richard kept trying to talk to her about various Shakespeare plays and I, phillistine that I am, was trying not to be exposed as the English fraud that I am. Eventually, he left and I asked her where she was going. We both happened to be going to St. George station and I had time to kill so I walked with her.
She’s an actress. When she first mentioned it, I almost rolled my eyes. You have no idea how many wannabes there are at UofT. Hart House puts on so many mediocre, low-budget productions and anybody who gets into one thinks they’re suddenly an actor. However, she explained to me that she’d spent the last three years performing at Stratford. Her case sounded more believable. Then she told me how she was a waitress part-time (check!) and that she did six episodes for some FOX television show (check!). The only thing that didn’t sound believable was that she didn’t run away from home or anything. In fact, her parents were super supportive. Other than that little blemish, this chick is a real actress! I can actually go around and tell people that I know a real actress, which is cool. I avoided talking about my life, of course, because there isn’t much to tell. And believe it or not, I didn’t mention that I was in a “band”, which I love to drop in when I meet a new girl. I think I was intimidated facing someone with, you know, ACTUAL talent.
She smokes. Her name is Nasneen (got to check that spelling). She said she didn’t have much time for a social life, juggling her job, auditions and school, so she was more than happy to tell me all about herself. I always like hearing that other people are out there living their lives even as I toil in the academic coal mine that is UofT. It was also great to meet someone new. This is the first time that I went out of my way to meet someone in a class since…since…crap, I can’t even remember. I sort of fell into the whole Leanna thing, so that doesn’t count. This…this was all me. Well, with some help from Richard. I don’t know if this is the start of a new trend for me or if this is the last new friend I’m going to make for a while. For now, consider me satisfied.
Hello, Rorschach. How are you today?
In prison. Yourself?
Uh…fine. I’m fine. I thought we’d try some more blot tests. How about taking a look at this one for me?
Seen this one before.
Yes. I know. I…uh…I thought you might have been holding back before and I wanted to try it again. Go on. Tell me what you really see.
Dog. Dog with head split in half.
I…I see. And, uh, what do you think split the, uh, split the dog’s head. In half.
I did.