(A Random Post)
So we’ve been having a minor tagboard spam crisis on our hands…though to be fair, you never really know – maybe that’s just our demographic, and I’ve been deleting posts from loyal WAMBAG.COM readers and alienating our entire fanbase. That “PUSSY VIDEO” one is my favourite so far. It’s really just the essence of internet porn spam boiled down and distilled into its most concentrated, efficient form. Are you looking for pussy? Check. Are you looking for it in video form? Check. Can the urgency of this need only be highlighted by the use of all capital letters? Check. Ergo…”PUSSY VIDEO.” What a fantastic age we live in.
The link didn’t even work. Not sure whether that makes it better or worse.
Spam bots have stepped their game up considerably lately, so as you can see, I’ve put some top of the line spam blocking measures in place, which will somehow, electronically prevent the tagboard from being spammed. I’m very confident the new spam defenses will hold up – we’ll give it a floor run, see if it plays.
Now here is a funny link, to salvage the post. Pretty straightforward, no real need to guess what direction it’s taking – you already know. A Day in the Life of Nick Swardson, who you might best remember as the psycho fan from Blades Of Glory that informs them of the loophole which allows them to skate as a pair, or as the guy that says “thug life” in the Pineapple Express trailer. That’s how I remember him, anyway.
No exaggeration, I could not love a human baby more than I love this brush.