(A Random Post)
If you look closely…you might have noticed that I made some tweaks to the site’s layout.
It’s a wonder what you can do by just adding a background and a new banner image with some nice font. The real bitch of it was making something work in three different browsers, over like four different screen resolutions. That’s Mutlu Ornamental and Scriptina at the top, feel free to Google those out yourself if you want to make your very own WAMBAG.COM at home.
The benefit (for me) of this new layout tweak is that it’s now pretty stylesheet and PHP heavy. So it’s nice and customizable now, meaning that if I ever wanted to, I could get like ten new layouts here up in no time, and it’d be easy as pie to switch between them and find your own favourite WAMBAG.COM flavour.
The key words of course, being “if I ever wanted to” which actually renders the rest of the sentence completely void of meaning.
Now to tell you about my dream.
This morning, I had a dream in which my family and I were entering a restaurant with two sets of doors – that is, you opened on set of doors to come in from outside, and then another set to go into the restaurant, with like a tiny intermediate room in between full of outdated Chinese concert and night club ads up on the walls (and each one has the logos of like fifty three different corporate sponsors listed). This was one of those places where you had to open up the first set of doors, crowd into the intermediate room, let the first doors close, and then open the next set to finally enter the restaurant. Because of air pressure – the lack of pressure created by opening the first set of doors would force the second set of doors shut.
So what happened in the dream was that we opened the first set of doors and crowded into the room…but then before the first set of doors completely closed, my dad went and opened the next set of doors (while I was reaching towards the handle and screaming “NOOOOOooooo!” in slow motion)…and we all went bug-eyed and choked to death Total Recall style.
That’s the dream.
Now it’s time for Mortal Gaybat.
Jesus is sexy to you, which leads us onto the musical interlude Rock Me Sexy Jesus.