(A Random Post)
I had a pretty good Saturday. And I have a feeling that I’ll be having couple more before the summer’s over.
It started with a wonderful girl with some wonderful weather – as all wonderful days do – hanging out at a barbeque with a bunch of minors. What does it mean when people are surprised to see you outdoors on such a sunny day, expecting instead that you were at a pre-release party for the new Magic expansion? At some point during the barbeque, I was asked “How do you like the new mechanics?” My response was somewhere along the lines of “Um…I like…tapping.” Not a bad way to start off a day.
What can you say about a barbeque to make it post-worthy? Nothing much ever happens at a barbeque, which to me, might be one of the nicer things about barbeques. You just take a day off and chill for a bit, have a couple of carcinogenic wieners, match wits with primitive park animals, debate the finer points of popsicle consumption, chase after ice cream trucks, and just generally have a genuinely good time with people whose company you genuinely enjoy. And it wouldn’t even matter if it was just one person, as long as there’s that one.
But dinner at Jessie Grill & Pub (“Jessie’s Grill & Pub?”) with just Jess was a jollity. Some really strange things going on there. Our waiter for one, gave off really weird vibes – he was far too friendly. Like he would say “Sorry to bother you, but…” before asking if everything was okey doke, offered me the remote for the television “in case if [I] wanted to watch anything”, and just seemed genuinely happy and appeared to enjoy his life, unlike any other restaurant employee I have ever met in my life. Jess and I concluded that the only reasonable explanation was that he was, in fact, hitting on me.
Odder still is the waitress, who seemed even more impossibly friendlier and happier. ‘cept only to Jess. She giggled at everything single thing Jess said to her, and I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they had quickly shared an open mouth kiss while I was watching the Atlanta-Boston game that I had switched to with the remote the waiter gave me. At the end she had even wrote down “THANKS FOR COMING!!!” on the bill with a happy face under it that she put down on the table and turned towards Jess just ever so subtly. Fucking whore.
So I left a big tip and I’m thinking of going back as soon as I can.
To complete the dinner-and-a-movie plan, we course needed a movie. And so we watched the best movie currently out in theatres – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. To those that doubt me and wish to argue on behalf of Episode III, I’m going to go ahead and cut you off by presenting an argument that will single-handedly destroy any supporting points you may have for Revenge of the Sith, unless you wish to nominate it based on Van Helsing Quotient.
“You are so beautiful.”
“It’s only because I’m so in love.”
“No, it’s because I’m so in love with you.”
“So love has blinded you?”
“Love won’t save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.”
…wowzers. I need to watch Garden State again. Hitchhiker’s Guide was actually really quite good though, so don’t feel so bad that it beat out Star Wars for me.
I had a wonderful Saturday. It was like having my brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick.
Now if you will excuse me, I must worship The Psycho One by watching the two hour season finale of 24.