Posted on June 18, 2004, 9:41 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Time to waste? Go here to see an interesting pc game’s website. No, it’s not a web game, just the site for a game on the web. But hey, interacting with the “menu” is almost a game in itself. And go chat it up with the bar wench a few times.
Posted on June 18, 2004, 5:43 PM, by The WAMBAG.
I remembered that I posted a “Poke The Rabbit” link way back, included in one of the very first posts for The WAMBAG. I was a personal favourite of mine, and I remember many lazy afternoons I spent as a child poking the holy hell out of that rabbit. But I found out recently that […]
Posted on June 17, 2004, 12:21 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Sleeping On The Couch: Day 25 (soundtrack) Rain – Yoko Kanno and Seatbelts It’s going to rain tomorrow. Probably won’t go downtown to feed the birds. Shoot. Eh, I’m just posting to get a couple of links out there: * This one is for Max. Damn, that’s hateful. * I also wanted to post this […]
Posted on June 15, 2004, 4:35 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Where would we be without crazy Japanese people? They’ve provided us with so much – too many classic video game legends to list, cheap import sedans, MXC, countless volumes of disturbing space monster hentai, The WAMBUKI – civilization as we know if would not exist without these timeless contributions. Case in point – giant monster […]
Posted on June 15, 2004, 12:32 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Here’s a little treat for our new, controversial, broom-moustached, Ark-stealing commenter.
Posted on June 14, 2004, 5:08 PM, by The WAMBAG.
Sunday Night Fever (soundtrack) Tonight – Da Band Sunday Yesterday was a good day, though I will say it was kinda sucky because I didn’t get to hang out with Annia like I had hoped. She had an unfortunate Dragon Boat related incident, which then led to an unfortunate “her going out to see Harry […]
Posted on June 11, 2004, 9:28 PM, by The WAMBAG.
So I’m leaving for Boston in…a couple of minutes. Some sort of…cousin or uncle or…blood relative is having a wedding. So hey – free food, ya know? The entire Yak-contingent based in Toronto is forming a convoy to get down there. But I’d thought I’d squeeze in a post before I go. …unfortunately, I have […]
Posted on June 11, 2004, 1:55 AM, by The WAMBAG.
Finally Understanding The Whole Pigeon Thing (soundtrack) Wake Up To The Sun – Limblifter Remember back in the day when those clever rappers, the “Sporty Theivz” (correct spelling and yes, I had to look that up) had that hit song No Pigeons? Of course you do. I never got the title. I could understand why […]
Posted on June 10, 2004, 8:31 PM, by The WAMBAG.
A caveman discovers the cinema… Apparently a mini-film show at the…uh…Annecy International Animation Film Festival…? Whatever, just watch it. Love those drums. And now to end the post – a direct link to the second Anchorman trailer and my current obsession. Ah, View Source – where would I be without you? “LET’S MAKE A BABY!!!”
Posted on June 10, 2004, 11:48 AM, by The WAMBAG.
What did sushi A say to sushi B? WASABI!?! Hahahaha why the hell would you name sushi ‘A’ and ‘B’? IT’S SO FORCED!!! Making it SO FUNNY!!!