Archive for June 2004

(A Random Post)

Time to waste? Go here to see an interesting pc game’s website. No, it’s not a web game, just the site for a game on the web. But hey, interacting with the “menu” is almost a game in itself. And go chat it up with the bar wench a few times.

(A Random Post)

I remembered that I posted a “Poke The Rabbit” link way back, included in one of the very first posts for The WAMBAG. I was a personal favourite of mine, and I remember many lazy afternoons I spent as a child poking the holy hell out of that rabbit. But I found out recently that […]

(A Random Post)

Sleeping On The Couch: Day 25 (soundtrack) Rain – Yoko Kanno and Seatbelts It’s going to rain tomorrow. Probably won’t go downtown to feed the birds. Shoot. Eh, I’m just posting to get a couple of links out there: * This one is for Max. Damn, that’s hateful. * I also wanted to post this […]

(A Random Post)

Where would we be without crazy Japanese people? They’ve provided us with so much – too many classic video game legends to list, cheap import sedans, MXC, countless volumes of disturbing space monster hentai, The WAMBUKI – civilization as we know if would not exist without these timeless contributions. Case in point – giant monster […]

(A Random Post)

Here’s a little treat for our new, controversial, broom-moustached, Ark-stealing commenter.

(A Random Post)

Sunday Night Fever (soundtrack) Tonight – Da Band Sunday Yesterday was a good day, though I will say it was kinda sucky because I didn’t get to hang out with Annia like I had hoped. She had an unfortunate Dragon Boat related incident, which then led to an unfortunate “her going out to see Harry […]

(A Random Post)

So I’m leaving for Boston in…a couple of minutes. Some sort of…cousin or uncle or…blood relative is having a wedding. So hey – free food, ya know? The entire Yak-contingent based in Toronto is forming a convoy to get down there. But I’d thought I’d squeeze in a post before I go. …unfortunately, I have […]

(A Random Post)

Finally Understanding The Whole Pigeon Thing (soundtrack) Wake Up To The Sun – Limblifter Remember back in the day when those clever rappers, the “Sporty Theivz” (correct spelling and yes, I had to look that up) had that hit song No Pigeons? Of course you do. I never got the title. I could understand why […]

(A Random Post)

A caveman discovers the cinema… Apparently a mini-film show at the…uh…Annecy International Animation Film Festival…? Whatever, just watch it. Love those drums. And now to end the post – a direct link to the second Anchorman trailer and my current obsession. Ah, View Source – where would I be without you? “LET’S MAKE A BABY!!!”

(A Random Post)

What did sushi A say to sushi B? WASABI!?! Hahahaha why the hell would you name sushi ‘A’ and ‘B’? IT’S SO FORCED!!! Making it SO FUNNY!!!


Destined to fight the world's evil, The WAMBAG endures massive battles involving impossible stunts, races on horse-pulled carriages, and the desecration of enchanting medieval castles (all done with dizzying computer graphics). Not only does the eye candy keep on coming, the tongue-in-cheek writing and deep Transylvanian accents perfect the film with a dose of dark humor.



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Apparently PHP7 doesn't support the same function calls I wrote in 2008? I should fix this at some point.

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